Book Chapters & Reports

Book Chapters

  1. Green, R. A., and Ziotopoulou, K. (under review). Chapter 12: Liquefaction. In: Earthquake Engineering for Dams and Reservoirs. ICE – Institution of Civil Engineers, United Kingdom.
  2. Montgomery, J., and Ziotopoulou, K. (2020). Chapter 24: Numerical simulations of selected LEAP centrifuge experiments with PM4Sand in FLAC, In: Kutter B., Manzari M., Zeghal M. (eds) Model Tests and Numerical Simulations of Liquefaction and Lateral Spreading, Springer Nature Publishing, Switzerland, pp. 481-497. [doi] [link]
  3. Kutter, B.L., Manzari, M.T., Zeghal, M., Arduino, P., Barrero, A.R., Carey, T.J., Chen, L., Elgamal, A., Ghofrani, A., Montgomery, J., Ozutsumi, O., Qiu, Z., Taiebat, M., Tobita, T., Travasarou, T., Tsiaousi, D., Ueda, K., Ugalde, J., Yang, M., Zheng, B.-L., and Ziotopoulou, K. (2020). Chapter 11: Numerical sensitivity study compared to trend of experiments for LEAP-UCD-2017. In: Kutter B., Manzari M., Zeghal M. (eds) Model Tests and Numerical Simulations of Liquefaction and Lateral Spreading, Springer Nature Publishing, Switzerland, pp. 219-236. [doi] [link]
  4. Manzari, M.T., Ghoraiby, M.E., Zeghal, M., Kutter, B.L., Arduino, P., Barrero, A.R., Bilotta, E., Chen, L., Chen, R., Chiaradonna, A., Elgamal, A., Fasano, G., Fukutake, K., Fuentes, W., Ghofrani, A., Haigh, S., Hung, W.-Y., Ichii, K., Kim, D.S., Kiriyama, T., Lascarro, C., Madabhushi, G. S. P., Mercado, V., Montgomery, J., Okamura, M., Ozutsumi, O., Qiu, Z., Taiebat, M., Tobita, T., Travasarou, T., Tsiaousi, D., Ueda, K., Ugalde, J., Wada, T., Wang, R., Yang, M., Zhang, J.-M., Zhou, Y.-G., and Ziotopoulou, K. (2020). Chapter 10. LEAP-2017: Comparison of the Type-B numerical simulations with centrifuge test results. In: Kutter B., Manzari M., Zeghal M. (eds) Model Tests and Numerical Simulations of Liquefaction and Lateral Spreading, Springer Nature Publishing, Switzerland, pp. 187-218. [doi] [link]
  5. Manzari, M.T., Ghoraiby, M.E., Zeghal, M., Kutter, B.L., Arduino, P., Barrero, A.R., Bilotta, E., Chen, L., Chen, R., Chiaradonna, A., Elgamal, A., Fasano, G., Fukutake, K., Fuentes, W., Ghofrani, A., Ichii, K., Kim, D.S., Kiriyama, T., Lascarro, C., Mercado, V., Montgomery, J., Ozutsumi, O., Qiu, Z., Taiebat, M., Travasarou, T., Tsiaousi, D., Ueda, K., Ugalde, J., Wada, T., Wang, R., Yang, M., Zhang, J.-M., and Ziotopoulou, K. (2020). Chapter 9. LEAP-2017 simulation exercise: calibration of constitutive models and simulation of the element tests. In: Kutter B., Manzari M., Zeghal M. (eds) Model Tests and Numerical Simulations of Liquefaction and Lateral Spreading, Springer Nature Publishing, Switzerland, pp. 165-185. [doi] [link]
  6. Boulanger, R. W., Montgomery, J., and Ziotopoulou, K. (2015). Ch. 10: Nonlinear deformation analyses of liquefaction effects on embankment dams. In Atilla Ansal and Mohamed Sakr, (Eds.), Perspectives on Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering. Springer Publishing, Switzerland, pp. 247-283. [doi] [link]
  7. Ziotopoulou, K., and Gazetas, G. (2010). Ch. 8: Are current design spectra sufficient for soil-structure systems on soft soils? In: Advances in Performance-based Earthquake Engineering, M.N. Fardis ed., Springer, pp. 79-87. [doi] [link]


  1. Carey, T. J., Love, N., DeJong, J. T., Ziotopoulou, K., and Martinez, A. (2022). Effect of soil gradation on the response of a submerged slope when subjected to shaking – Centrifuge Data Report for TJC02. Report No. UCD/CGM-22/01, Center for Geotechnical Modeling, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of California, Davis, CA, 61 pp. [link]
  2. Carey, T. J., Chiaradonna, A., Love, N., DeJong, J. T., Ziotopoulou, K., and Martinez, A. (2021). Effect of soil gradation on the response of a submerged slope when subjected to shaking – Centrifuge Data Report for TJC01. Report No. UCD/CGM-21/03, Center for Geotechnical Modeling, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of California, Davis, CA, 73 pp. [link]
  3. Ziotopoulou, K., Williams, J., and Cobos, S. (2021). 2021 EERI Annual Meeting Outcomes Report.
  4. Zlatovic, S., Ziotopoulou, K., Montgomery, J., Mijic, Z., Gjetvaj, V. (2021) GEER Association Report No. GEER-072. (2021). “Geotechnical reconnaissance and engineering effects of the December 29, 2020 M6.4 Petrinja, Croatia earthquake and associated seismic sequence: Chapter 7 – Liquefaction and Related Building Damage”, Lead Editors: I. Tomac and S. Zlatovic, 196 pp. [website][link]
  5. Sinha, S. K., Ziotopoulou, K., and Kutter, B. L. (2021). Data Report for SKS03: Centrifuge testing of liquefaction-induced downdrag on axially loaded piles. Report No. UCD/CGMDR-21-02, Center for Geotechnical Modeling, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of California, Davis, CA, 196 pp. [complete dataset under D4]  [link]
  6. Sinha, S. K., Ziotopoulou, K., and Kutter, B. L. (2021). Data Report for SKS02: Centrifuge testing of liquefaction-induced downdrag on axially loaded piles. Report No. UCD/CGMDR-21-01, Center for Geotechnical Modeling, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of California, Davis, CA, 159 pp. [complete dataset under D3] [link]
  7. Sinha, S. K., Kutter, B. L., Wilson, D. W., Carey, T. J., and Ziotopoulou, K. (2021). Use of Photron cameras and TEMA software to measure 3D displacements in centrifuge tests. Report No. UCD/CGM-21/01, Center for Geotechnical Modeling, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of California, Davis, CA, 76 pp. [link]
  8. Miranda, E., Brzev, S., Bijelic, N, Arbanas, Ž., Bartolac, M., Jagodnik, V., Lazarević, D., Mihalić, A. S., Zlatović, S., Acosta, A., Archbold, J., Bantis, J., Borozan, J., Božulić, I., Blagojević, N., Cruz, C., Dávalos, H., Fischer, E., Gunay, S., Hadzima-Nyarko, M., Heresi, P., Lignos, D., Lin, T., Marinković, M., Messina, A., Miranda, S., Poulos, A., Scagliotti, G., Tomac, I., Tomic, I., Ziotopoulou, K., Žugić, Ž., Robertson, I. (2021). Petrinja, Croatia December 29, 2020, Mw 6.4 Earthquake Joint Reconnaissance Report (JRR). Structural Extreme Events Reconnaissance, DesignSafe-CI PRJ-2959. [doi] [link]
  9. Seismological and Engineering Effects of the M 7.0 Samos Island (Aegean Sea) Earthquake. Coordinator and author of Chapters 4 (Site Effects) and 5 (Geotechnical Reconnaissance Findings). Geotechnical Extreme Events Reconnaissance Association: Report GEER-069, December 31, 2020. [doi] [link]
  10. Vadaloukas, G., Vintzileou, E., Ganas, A., Giarlelis, C., Ziotopoulou, K., Theodoulidis, N., Karasante, I., Margaris, B., Mylonakis, G., Papachristidis, A., Repapis, C., Psarropoulos, P. N., and Sextos, A. G. (2020). Samos Earthquake of 30th October, 2020. Preliminary Report of the Hellenic Association for Earthquake Engineering, Athens, Greece (in Greek). [doi] [link]
  11. Basu, D., Pretell, R., Montgomery, J., and Ziotopoulou, K. (2020) LEAP 2020 Simulation Exercise Phase II: Type-B Prediction of Centrifuge Experiments. Report and prediction results. Liquefaction Analyses and Experiments Projects. April 2020. [link]
  12. Montgomery, J., Ziotopoulou, K., Basu, D., and Pretell, R. (2020). LEAP 2020 Simulation Exercise Phase I: Model Calibration. Report and calibration results. Liquefaction Analyses and Experiments Projects. January 2020. [link]
  13. Mosalam, K.M., Roueche, D., Abuchar, V., Archbold, J., Arteta, C., Fischer, E., Gunay, S., Hakhamaneshi, M., Hassan, W.M., Micheli, L., Muin, S., Pajaro, C., Peng, H., Pretell, R., Robertson, I., Vera, X., and Ziotopoulou, K. (2019) StEER - M6.4 and M7.1 Ridgecrest, CA Earthquakes on July 4-5, 2019: Preliminary Virtual Reconnaissance Report (PVRR). DesignSafe-CI PRJ-2444. [doi] [link]
  14. Fischer, E., Hakhamaneshi, M., Alam, M. Alberto, Y., Aranha, C., Derakhshan, S. Djima, W., Greenwood, W., Haro, G., Hassan, W., Hudson, K., Julius, A., Laughery, L., Ma, X., Maddalozzo, W., Mulchandani, H., Rodriguez-Nikl, T., Tsai, Y., Unal, M., Wong, J., Yoo, D., and Ziotopoulou, K. (2019) EERI VERT Searles Valley Earthquake Phase 1 Report. DesignSafe-CI PRJ-2443 [doi]
  15. Boulanger, R. W., and Ziotopoulou, K. (2018). PM4Silt (Version 1.0): A silt plasticity model for earthquake engineering applications: Version 1.0. Report No. UCD/CGM-18-01, Center for Geotechnical Modeling, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of California, Davis, CA, 109 pp. [link]
  16. Boulanger, R. W., and Ziotopoulou, K. (2017). PM4Sand (Version 3.1): A sand plasticity model for earthquake engineering applications. Report No. UCD/CGM-17-01, Center for Geotechnical Modeling, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of California, Davis, CA, 114 pp. [link]
  17. Ziotopoulou, K., and Montgomery, J. (2017). LEAP 2017 Simulation Exercise Phase III: Sensitivity Study. Liquefaction Analyses and Experiments Projects. Submitted December 2017. [link]
  18. Ziotopoulou, K., and Montgomery, J. (2017). LEAP 2017 Simulation Exercise Phase II: Type-B Prediction of Centrifuge Experiments. Liquefaction Analyses and Experiments Projects. Submitted November 2017. [link]
  19. Ziotopoulou, K., and Montgomery, J. (2017). LEAP 2017 Simulation Exercise Phase I: Model Calibration. Liquefaction Analyses and Experiments Projects. Submitted July 2017. [link]
  20. Boulanger, R. W., and Ziotopoulou, K. (2015). PM4Sand (Version 3): A sand plasticity model for earthquake engineering applications. Report No. UCD/CGM-15-01, Center for Geotechnical Modeling, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of California, Davis, CA, 113 pp. [link]
  21. Ziotopoulou, K. (2015). LEAP 2014 Simulation Exercise Phase II: Seismic Response of a Liquefiable Sloping Ground. Class B and C Predictions. Liquefaction Analyses and Experiments Projects. Submitted January 2014. [link]
  22. Ziotopoulou, K. (2014). LEAP 2014 Simulation Exercise Phase I: Seismic Response of a Liquefiable Sloping Ground. Class A Prediction Exercise. Liquefaction Analyses and Experiments Projects. Submitted December 2014. [link]
  23. Ziotopoulou, K., Price, A. B., Morales, B., DeJong, J. T., and Boulanger, R. W. (2013). Direct Simple Shear testing of Sands: procedures and specifications. Soil Interactions Laboratory (SIL), Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of California, Davis, CA, 28 pp. [link]
  24. Boulanger, R. W., and Ziotopoulou, K. (2012). PM4Sand (Version 2): A sand plasticity model for earthquake engineering applications. Report No. UCD/CGM-12-01, Center for Geotechnical Modeling, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of California, Davis, CA, 100 pp. [link]
  25. Ziotopoulou, K., and Gazetas, G. (2009). Non-linear seismic response analysis of soil deposits and piles and proposed unique bi-normalized spectrum. Research Report LSM. NTUA-09-01, Laboratory of Soil Mechanics, School of Civil Engineering, National Technical University of Athens, Athens, Greece.
  26. Ziotopoulou, K., and Gazetas, G. (2008). Tokachi-Oki earthquake 2003: 1-D soil amplification studies with the Hokkaido base and surface records. Gazetas and Associates, Athens, Greece, 37 pp. [link]